
Where is the Banwagon, and how can I jump back on???!

So, yes... I haven't been doing so great the last few days. And I haven't been losing the weight I would like to. I'm very happy and excited for the 10 lbs and 12 inches this past month... the past two weeks should have brought more lbs lost and more inches gone. I slipped back into how "good" it feels to eat. Good in a sense that... food tastes good. I get bored, so I fill it with food. Yet after eating I feel like crap. All day I have been thinking about how much I want to go to this used book store that is about maybe 7 minutes away driving. Possibly 10. I don't want to drive. And it would take quite a while to walk. I want to ride a bike there. How wonderful would a bike ride to a used book store be? Fantastic.
Unfortunately my bike is at my parents house. And honestly, I'm afraid of what my fat ass will look like riding on a bicycle.

I wouldn't mind looking like this fat bottomed girl, however.
I really just need to get off my rump and make some good decisions. Why is the slothful life so easy and tempting?


Those dreams are back

It has been a year and a half since I've had them. The running dreams. The dreams that I had for a good stretch of time, that I deeply missed when they went away.

So here they are again.

It's so fluid, so easy, so.... incredible.

I don't know what it is. Well, I might know what it is. I want to be able to run so badly. One of my goals is just to be able to run a mile. I was never able to do it, not even in high school. It's hard on my joints, and I feel like I just have too much weight to see running as a possibility right now.
But yes... one day I will run that mile... and with all hopes... I will take that goal even further. A marathon maybe?

If Tara can do it... I can do it...


Oh, Where to start??

So, I'm sitting on my bed, really needing to go to sleep.
Up until the last ten minutes, this has been the most fantastic weekend ever.
Why is it that his ex still gets to me?
Long story short. I'm can be very insecure. Bryan was around for a long weekend, and he was signed into his msn account on his laptop(he leaves it here for me to use). Well, I hopped on the laptop to blog a bit before bed and there is an IM from her saying she left him a voicemail. Why can't I just leave well enough alone, and not worry about it? Of course I would like to know what she wanted, and if he talks to her often. He probably doesn't really, but I guess I wouldn't know. Anyway, I know he doesn't want to be with her. Believe me, I know my thoughts are irrational most of the time. I'm not really sure why I have the thoughts that I do.

So, I'm feeling shitty about that.

While we did have this fabulous weekend, it involved alot of food. I don't wanna know how much I ate this weekend. Four days of not really "scarfing" but very rich foods. I want... I NEED to get back to my regular way of living. Not only that... but I need to have that regular way of living while I'm with him. We can't have this destructive way of living be with us for the rest of our lives.

I'm feeling shitty about that too.

I'm also bumming about some news that I got about my paycheck. It was cut in half because apparently people don't realize that I need money to pay the bills.

Everything just makes me want to eat more and more.

I'm thinking that I'm just really looking forward to getting back to normal. My alarm clock is set to wake me up in enough time to take a walk in the morning before getting ready for work. Just gotta get my ass in gear


Laziness as of Late

Yep, that's been me, lazy, slothful... it sucks. Maybe after a bit of blogging today, I will get off my ass finally and get something done. Since my apartment is in shambles, I think I will start with cleaning... that will get a semi decent workout... and after that maybe I'll stay off my ass and do some strength training. I just need that nudge. It's been difficult lately since I'm off work for an entire month... it's so much easier to sleep in, lay around, and not do anything.

Today is my little brothers birthday. He's turning 12. It's crazy how fast he grows up. I miss when he was little, sometimes.
It was about a week or so ago when I was playing catch with him outside my parents house, and he said he could never imagine me or our mother being skinny.
Yes, we have been overweight his whole life. It makes me sad. I was 13 when he was born. I have been fat more than half of my life. Damn, that is depressing.
I am out to prove my brother wrong. Not to spite him, but to have him be proud of his sister, to see her as a great role model and leader.
I however, am glad that this is the way I have been all of his life so far though... would you like to know why?
So he isn't that boy... the boy that won't date a fat girl, the boy that will make fun of her with his friends, the boy who makes that fat girl cry at night. No... my brother WON'T be that boy.
My brother won't be that boy who broke my heart all those teenage years.


Sexiest Man Alive

Amazing voice + great musician + Rick Moranis style = Ryan Adams

Oh how I love him.

This is also a great workout song.

Cheeseburger vs. Weight Loss

Yesterday was Bryan's birthday. Rich foods, yummy desert, bouts of laziness. That's what birthdays are about right?
I did well keeping to my nutrition intake. Spent most of the day sitting in front of the tv putting his present together a
nd wrapping it as well.
Pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, green beans and salad. Wonderful dinner. Probably more calories than I would have taken in had I been eating at home. It's going to be tough eating at other places. But since I made room for the calories I knew I would be consuming, I even had room for the piece of chocolate bunt cake with cherries and whip cream. And it was de-lish!

After eating dinner we drove out to Wash, MO to do mundane things that couples do. Went to pick up some gaskets for his car. A pineapple from Aldi's. And trolled around Kohls to see if there were any good deals. Very exciting things, I tell you. We watched some of the baseball game and goofed around in his room. Pretty soon it was 10
and I needed to head home. We said our goodbyes, shared giggles between kisses, and I got in my car.

That is when the thoughts came...
double cheeseburger
greasy double cheeseburger
with mayo
and ketchup
and extra cheese
and bacon!

bacon ultimate cheeseburger from jack in the box

The thoughts were so strong that I could almost taste it. Oh how wonderful it would taste. How spectacular it would be. How long it's been since I've had one.

That long hour drive home didn't make it any easier. However, what made it easier? I don't think I pass by a single jack in the box on the way hom
Anywho... I resisted the urge, came home, and went to bed. And when I woke up this morning, I weighed myself(I'm really bad about weighing myself everyday) and trahlah! I have lost another 2.2 lbs in the past week!

So, I share with those who struggle with resisting that urge.... which is more important?

calories 1090
fat 77g
saturated fat 30g
cholesterol 140mg
sodium 2040mg
carbohydrates 53g
fiber 2g
sugars 12g


Seeing smaller numbers on this.

Motivational Graphs :-]

I am an extremely visual person. Charts, graphs, photos... they all help me wrap my head around information.
I decided to use this with my weight loss. --Maybe I'm obsessed with putting photos in my blog, but I am going to share the charts I recently made--
I made up this one to help me be accountable for making sure I'm doing 3x cardio and 3x strength training every week, as well as finding and cooking a new recipe. I'm trying to keep my meals exciting so eating healthy doesn't get boring. :]
This is another... which I think I like better. My reward time line. Which I will be putting on the fridge so I can see exactly what I'm doing this for(besides better health, of course) My list of rewards are:
10lbs Manicure
20lbs Buy flowers for myself
30lbs Night on the town with my boy
40lbs Brand new purse... woot, I love purses
50lbs Trip to NY to see a show on Broadway or a new Nikon D300(haven't decided yet) from b
55lbs Pedicure from b
60lbs Tanning membership... can't be all pasty anymore from b
65lbs Dancing Lessons with Bryan (salsa or swing) from b

So, there ya have it. My motivation. Lets see where it takes me!

Thanks to my fellow blogger "the dough factory"

Before and After

Kate had this on her latest blog, and I decided to check it out as well. weightview.com is a site linked to facebook that shows how you would look after losing up to 50 lbs. It does an o.k. rendering. Maybe it was just the pose I'm in, but my face and arms are still chunky. But it's pretty cool to see what the rest of me would look like. Gives a bit of motivation... it's exciting to see your results right there on the screen. I had been thinking about doing a little photoshop on one of my "before" photos to see anyway... this just made it easier. I don't think any amount of weight loss is going to calm down my poofy hair, though.


Some enlightening words...

One evening, an old Cherokee told his grandson about the eternal battle that goes on inside people.

He said, “My boy, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.”

“One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.”

“The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, tolerance, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The boy thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee replied, “The one you feed.”

I found this one a woman's sparkpeople profile.
This is the internal battle I am trying to conquer at the moment. I tend to feed that Evil wolf. Mostly with jealousy, self-pity, inferiority, and defeat.
I need to start feeding that good wolf. One of my goals on sp is to give myself 3 compliments a day.
I haven't accomplished that goal at all in a week and a half. Not once.
I think this is what we do, as women, as overweight people, as society. We are constantly reminded how we need to be richer, more beautiful, a smaller size...
So I'm going to focus on this goal...

Reasons why I'm great:

1. I am extremely creative. I come up with awesome gifts that I make for friends and family. I am a talented photographer. I create some awesome paintings.
And even though I am all those things... I still know that there are many things I can learn to make me even better!

2. I am strong, and just getting stronger. I am not a frail little girl. I can hold my own and stand on my own two feet.

3. I love with all my heart.

Those are my three for today :)

Too much excitement??

So, in the midst of all the new bed excitement yesterday, I ran my left baby toe into one of the bed frames, and I'm pretty sure I broke it. I'm going to have to find some type of cardio or at least strength training where I'm not putting pressure on it. I can't sit here not working out when I have all this time to do so.
As for the bed.... It's more than I know what to do with... haha. Bryan and I layed down on it after it was all made u
p, and there was an arms length between us. It's pretty insane going from a full to a king.
Even though that is great and everything, I'm really bummed about my foot. It hurts to walk. I'm really hoping that it heals within a week. I just need to be extra careful about what I'm eating as well.
As for now, I need to get in the shower and head up to the office to take care of some paperwork.


Blog Post 1 of 1million

Hiya folks.
Name's Kate.
Hey you
That one girl

I prefer Kate.

I'm not a blogging virgin, oh no... I have blogged in so many places, with so many faces. I am multi-faceted if you will. But I thought there should be something specific. I am going through a huge change in lifestyle, and I figured it would be a great idea to blog to myself and those out there who are just like me. A fat girl who doesn't feel fat on the inside. Oh, on the contrary. I'm beautiful, inside and out. (At least that is what I tell myself to get through the day)
To Americas standards, I am morbidly obese. I'm sure there are many of you out there too in the same boat. Morbidly?? MORBIDLY?? Yes, at 5'6or7" and 278.4 lbs (I've lost a total of 3.6 since I started www.sparkpeople.com a week and a half ago) I am morbidly obese.
Kinda crushes ones ego when you here a word like that describing your body.
But I try not to let one word describe who I am, what I look like, or how I feel.

I am off to rearrange my bedroom to make room for my new king sized bed.

Ta ta for now...