
Not where I would want to be

Well, here it is.
4 months later.
3 days from the goal date.
I have not done what I wanted to do.
But the last thing I need to do is sulk, cry and feel sorry for myself.
I need to try and not be discouraged when I look at my reflection in the mirrors on my closet doors.
I need to try and not sob when I don't want my boyfriend to touch me because I feel so unattractive.

I need to get off my butt and take care of the body that God gave me.
The only one I will ever have.
People have been giving Kate Moss a hard time because of a quote she recently said...
"nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
While I don't think that is a good thing to promote to teenage girls...
I think it is a good thing for an emotional eater to think about.
When I'm sad
When I'm angry
When I'm happy
When I'm anything
I eat. and eat. and eat.

I need to have something else that is going to make me feel better... that will ACTUALLY make me feel better.

I have decided there is no other way. I gotta get back to working out and doing sparkpeople again.
And that is just what I'm going to do.

2 months ago Bryan and I picked out an engagement ring. He hasn't officially proposed yet, but one day it is going to happen. I want to have a long life with the man I love so dearly.
For me, for my family, for my love... I need to be healthy.
I will have my ups. I will have my downs.
Hopefully the ups triumph.